PolyPeptide wins Malmö Life Science Business Award

Malmö, 21 June 2022
We are proud of our site in Malmö, Sweden, for winning the Life Science Business Award of the city (Malmö Näringslivspris Life Science). The jury stressed the important role of PolyPeptide as part of Malmö’s Life Science cluster, recognizing the continued growth and positive developments as a high-quality, responsible employer.
Jens Fricke, the site director of PolyPeptide in Malmö, commented: “I would like to thank all the employees: The award reflects their efforts, engagement, and our great team spirit. We ultimately work to the benefit of millions of patients and see the award as an additional motivation to keep up the good work!”.
As per the end of 2021, PolyPeptide had 293 people employed in Malmö, with hiring ongoing to keep up with business growth. The company has its heritage in the city, where the manufacturing of Peptides started in 1952. Over the last 70 years, PolyPeptide developed into a contract development and manufacturing organization with over 1’100 employees globally, supporting customers worldwide with the development and manufacturing of innovative peptide- and oligonucleotides-based drugs.